Thursday, July 25, 2013

Green coffee beans (Dr. Oz): should we believe they really work?

I was always looking for the magic pill: allowing me to eat what I like, to eat how much I like, to avoid painful gym exercises to burn out calories...
Are green coffeee beans THE answer????
I found lots of videos and posts in the web claiming they really do what they promise.
But isn't this just the latest cheat????

Read this article from The Globe and Mail and share your opinion with me...

Although the study published in the journal "Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity" is widely cited as proof green coffee bean extract works, nutrition and obesity experts are concerned over the validity of the results. They highlight several problems with the study, notably the fact it has an odd, unconventional design and that it involved very few people.
They also point out that study participants lost weight during the placebo phase of the trial, which suggests green coffee bean extract was not responsible for their weight loss. For instance, participants may have felt encouraged to slim down because their weight and diet were monitored as part of the study...

But even if you still want to believe the study results, consider that it says people can lose a significant amount of weight without altering their caloric intake or physical activity levels. It’s impossible. “Usually when studies break the physical laws of the universe, there’s usually something wrong with the study itself,” said Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, medical director of Ottawa’s Bariatric Medical Institute...

Under “Footnotes” in the study, the authors note that they have “no conflicts of interest in this work.” That doesn’t tell the entire story. Although Vinson is listed as the lead author of the study, he actually didn’t do any of the research. The study was conducted in India. Vinson examined the data and wrote the study paper. While Vinson notes that the green coffee bean extract used in the study was supplied by Applied Food Sciences Inc., a company based in Texas, he didn’t mention that the company also paid him to write the study... This lack of disclosure is serious because it could be misleading to those who read it.
