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Monday, August 24, 2015

What's lurking in YOUR salad? Experts warn prewashed spinach still contains 90% of its bacteria and can cause food poisoning

Health experts have warned against eating pre-washed spinach.
They say commercial washing techniques fails to remove 90% of the bacteria.
Small peaks and valleys in baby spinach leaves could be a key reason why there have been numerous bacterial outbreaks involving leafy green vegetables, they say.

Greens are washed by commercial processes before they head to the grocery store. 
But these methods, which can include water and bleach rinses or irradiation, are not completely effective, says Nichola Kinsinger of the University of California.
She says scientists have estimated that 99 percent of food-borne illnesses from leafy greens can be traced back to disinfection issues. 
'In a sense the leaf is protecting the bacteria and allowing it to spread,' said Nichola Kinsinger, a post-doctoral researcher working with Sharon Walker, a professor of chemical and environmental engineering. 
'It was surprising to discover how the leaf surface formed micro-environments that reduce the bleach concentration and in this case the very disinfection processes intended to clean, remove, and prevent contamination was found to be the potential pathway to amplifying foodborne outbreaks.' 
As a result, as the leaves move through the processing facility after being rinsed the bacteria may continue to live, grow, spread, and contaminate other leaves and surfaces within the facility.
The researchers in the Bourns College of Engineering found that because of the varied topography of the spinach leaf nearly 15 percent of the leaf surface may reach concentrations as low as 1000 times that of the bleach disinfectant being used to rinse it.
'Despite current disinfection rinsing, bacteria are surviving on the leaf and causing cross contamination, resulting in the numerous outbreaks we hear about in the media,' Kinsinger said.

'Pathogens can come from irrigation waters or from water used during processing, and they can adhere to spinach leaves. 
'If these bacteria are not all killed in the disinfection process, they can continue to live, grow, spread and contaminate other surfaces within the facility and other leaves.'
Using a parallel-plate flow chamber system that Walker developed, the researchers tested the real-time attachment and detachment of bacteria to the outer layer of spinach leaves. 
At low bleach concentrations, the bacteria fell off the leaves, but remained alive. At the higher concentrations used commercially, however, all of the bacteria were killed. 
'This result was perplexing,' Walker says. 

 'Our experiments were telling us that commercial bleach rinses should be much more effective than they are. But then we studied the leaf itself in more detail.' 

Currently, the industry standard is to add 50 to 200 parts per million of bleach to the water used to rinse leafy green vegetables. 
But that is just a recommendation, not a requirement or regulation, Kinsinger said.
For the research, Kinsinger and Walker designed a parallel plate flow chamber system to evaluate in real time the attachment and detachment of pathogens to the spinach in realistic water chemistries and flow conditions.
Their work focused exclusively on baby spinach, however the issue of reduced bleach concentration across the leaf surface and other surfaces within the processing facility translates beyond the specific scenarios tested and demonstrates the limitation of bleach disinfection causing significant concern over public health.
Future research will focus on a broader range of foods, surfaces in processing facilities and pathogen types, Kinsinger said.
Despite their findings, Kinsinger notes that the United States has one of safest food supply system. Still, she says, 'I recommend rinsing those leaves.'

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Five muscle groups that are too often ignored at the gym

Having a training plan is crucial. A plan keeps you focused, allows you to track your progress and gives you objective data to understand why you are, or are not, reaching your goals.
However developing a strength routine can be stressful, intimidating and confusing.

Too often people’s default program is cardio followed by a few push-ups and crunches. Alternatively, those who spend time in the weight room prioritize exercises such as bench press and shoulder press.
Any activity at all is commendable, but the above exercises primarily train the front of the body and can contribute to a rounded posture and back and shoulder injuries.
So, whether you’re a gym newbie, or have been training for years, make sure your plan is balanced. The five muscle groups below are a critical part of any plan, but are typically overlooked. Don’t be typical; train smart.

1. The posterior chain.
This is also known as the back of your body, running from the back of your head to the back of your heels. Prioritize strengthening your posterior chain, specifically your back and glutes (bum).
Do one upper-back exercise for every chest exercise. If you have been overtraining your chest for years, for the next two months do two upper-back exercises for every one chest exercise.
Chest exercises include push-ups, the bench press and flys. Upper-back exercises include any type of row, lat pull downs, pull-ups and reverse flys.
Do at least one lower-back exercise such as the bird dog, back extensions or supermans.
Strengthen your glutes with multijoint exercises such as deadlifts, squats and bridges.

2. Balance and feet exercises.
Balance and feet strengthening exercises require proprioception – the body’s mind/body loop, which allows the brain to register where the body is in space, and then to tell the body which muscles to “turn on.”
Decreased proprioceptive abilities, and/or weak feet, can contribute to a plethora of injuries including plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains and knee and hip pain.
When you run, your feet and brain need to communicate so your feet can safely negotiate the terrain. Otherwise, you trip and fall. And when your proprioception is poor, your body compensates by using vision; you look down to know where your feet are. Over time, looking down will round your spine.
Incorporate unstable equipment such as a bosu, resistance ball or balance board into your routine. Try some squats or push-ups on the bosu. Do some balance work barefoot to strengthen your feet. Try standing on one leg with your eyes closed.

3. Rotator cuff exercises.
Your rotator cuff is made up of four small muscles that originate on your shoulder blade. Together, they help stabilize your arm bone in your shoulder socket and help maintain proper posture.
Try band external rotations. Stand against the edge of a door frame, shoulder blades on either side of the frame. Hold a resistance band, palms up and arms at 90 degrees. Draw your arm bones back in your shoulder sockets.
Then use the muscles around the back of your shoulders to rotate your hands out to the side. As your arms move, squeeze your shoulder blades slightly around the door frame. Repeat 15 times.

4. Wrist exercises.
Weak wrists are often the limiting factor when people are trying to improve their pull-ups, push-ups and deadlifts. Strengthen your wrists by changing your hand position or the width of your grip when you use free weights or barbells. For example, use a thicker bar when doing bench press or bent-over rows; do biceps curls with your palms down; triceps cable presses with your palms up; or put Fat Gripz around dumbbells to increase the diameter of what your hands have to hold.

5. Mindfully do functional multijoint exercises.
Done correctly, functional multijoint exercises such as planks, deadlifts, squats, wood chops and bird dogs are an integral part of any program. They work the entire core, integrate the trunk into the rest of the body and prepare the body for real life.
Unfortunately, most people just go through the motions. To get the most out of any exercise, to improve your biomechanics and to properly train your core, you have to pay attention to how your body is positioned.
For example, when you are doing exercises such as squats and deadlifts, think of them as a core challenge, a moving plank. Focus on stabilizing your spine, don’t let your back arch or round as you move.
Regardless of your exercise selection, always progress appropriately, ask a gym employee for instructions when needed and listen to your body.

Monday, August 10, 2015

How to keep your diet and fitness goals on track through summer

Making healthy choices during the summer can be a challenge. I get it – it just feels “right” to indulge while relaxing at the cottage or sitting on a patio. But it is possible to enjoy your summer and maintain a healthy lifestyle; it just takes mindfulness and advance planning.

First, analyze where you are most likely to veer off track.
Do you stop exercising any time your routine changes? Are you a social eater, or do you snack when you are alone? Do you use unhealthy food as an instant energy boost when you are tired or bored on road trips?
Tailor your game plan to your individual needs; prepare for your trigger situations in advance.

If you indulge while traveling when you’re unprepared and tend to grab something (anything!)
Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of “having to” buy unhealthy snacks.
Research healthier restaurants en route, or, better yet, pack a cooler full of nutritious snacks.
For longer road trips, locate in advance the grocery stores you will pass. Stop and buy fresh fruit, vegetables and prepared deli food. Or purchase fresh fruit and vegetables from roadside stands. Always have a water bottle so you don’t get dehydrated, and use that water to wash any produce.
If you tend to snack when bored
Download an audio book or podcasts to keep you entertained.
If you are a social eater
Live by my “love it” rule. Don’t deprive yourself – life is worth living – but don’t mindlessly eat. Treat yourself to a reasonable portion of something that you love. Pick one treat. Don’t have chips, beer and wings. If you love beer, have one with a healthier meal. If you don’t love beer but you love wings, drink a low-calorie alcoholic beverage or water and indulge in a few wings.
Stay hydrated. That way you won’t mistake dehydration for hunger.
If you are attending an event at someone’s home, offer to bring something. That way you have at least one healthy option.
Before going to a restaurant, preview the menu online and decide what you will eat. On arrival, don’t look at a menu. Order your predetermined choice.
Place your cutlery down between bites so that your brain has time to register that you are full.
If you tend to slouch on vacation
Don’t let a change to your routine be an excuse not to exercise. You don’t need a gym to get a good workout; you can move and be active anywhere!
To fit in cardio while travelling, try fartlek intervals. Warm up for 10 minutes, then pick a random landmark to sprint towards. If you are swimming, sprint for a certain number of strokes. Once you hit your landmark or your stroke count, slow down and recover. Repeat for 10 to 30 minutes. Finish with a cool-down and then stretch.
Or explore your vacation destination on foot or on a bike. Use the pedometer on your phone, or buy a tracking device and aim to get 10,000 steps per day.
Fit in strength training. Most hotels have a gym, but if yours doesn’t, or if you’re staying with family, pack a resistance band. Train in your bedroom. Bands are light, inexpensive, highly portable and offer a full body workout. Try attaching the band to the bedpost to do standing rows, or standing on it to do biceps curls. If you don’t like the band, use your body weight to do squats, lunges, push-ups, planks and V holds.
The main take-away is that it is always possible to make healthier choices; it just takes mindfulness and some advance planning. If you make a choice you are not proud of, don’t feel guilty. Instead, use it as learning experience so you can make a more informed choice next time. Also, remember that just because you make one indulgent choice doesn’t mean you have to indulge constantly. Try to keep in mind that your future self will be happier – and have fewer bad habits to break after vacation – if you follow the “love it” rule and remember that moderation is key.

Monday, August 3, 2015

7 guilt-free, cool ways to treat yourself during the Summer

Need a cold snack on a hot day? These treats are perfect ways to cool off, without the extra calories.

Strawberries with Orange-Ricotta Cream

Prepare the orange-ricotta cream early in the day; it is best served very cold over ripe strawberries. You'll have a half cup of the cheese mixture left over. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

76 calories


Watermelon-feta skewers

Ingredients: 5 watermelon balls, 5 (one-half inch) feta cheese cubes, and 5 mint leaves on 5 skewers

46 calories


Cranberry slushy

Ingredients: One-half cup cranberry juice cocktail and 1 tsp fresh lime juice blended with 1 cup ice cubes 

70 calories


Chilled cucumber soup

Ingredients: 1 cup peeled, chopped cucumber, one-half cup plain nonfat yogurt, 1 TBSP chopped fresh mint, and a pinch of salt, blended with 3 ice cubes

79 calories

Double mint infused water

Recipe for a 46 oz carafe: 10 hand-torn, fresh mint leaves + 2 bags of mint tea, preferably peppermint. Pour room temperature water over the ingredients and let steep for 1 hour. There is no need to use hot water; the tea will release its flavor in room temperature water. After steeping for an hour, strain and serve over ice.

2 calories


Frosty Cappuccino 

Ready in 5 minutes: an "energy" drink perfect for the hot days (and not only!)

105 calories





Fruit pops

Forget artificial fruit flavoring, and go for the real thing. Fruits that are red, blue and purple contain high levels of essential antioxidants and vitamins. Even though it does contain sugar, fruit takes time to digest and hits the liver slowly; you don't get the same sugar crash. Try this 4-ingredient recipe for strawberry yogurt pops containing blended berries.
73 calories

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Trick Yourself Into Working Out Harder Without Even Realizing It

Since the invention of the Walkman, active people have shown that staying entertained is a big key to fitness success. Now there's evidence to suggest interactive entertainment actually can help you exercise harder and boost your mind.
University of Florida researchers recently reported that brain games while cycling can improve thinking ability and boost speed by 25 percent. So you get to have more fun, pump up your brain and enjoy significantly more physical benefits.
The researchers asked a group of older adults to use stationary bicycles while performing mental tasks that ranged from saying "go" whenever a blue star appeared on a screen to solving math problems. They discovered a sweet spot of difficulty that was just challenging enough to keep brains occupied but just simple enough to not interrupt the workout.
Imagine your brain as an engine. Certain physical activities (walking, running, dancing) ask for a lot of your brain's power to calculate stride, balance, limb coordination and more. Other activities (cycling, squats, push-ups) require less brain power because they're simple to do. The trick is to multitask by pairing a simple physical activity with a more challenging brain task or pairing a complicated physical activity with an easier brain task. You want the engine running at full power but not overheating.
Finding that balance might seem tough, but you don't have to do it alone. Here are four easy ways you can work your brain and body together for more fitness firepower.

Group fitness classes

Providing a variety of exercises that keep participants' minds humming is part of a group fitness instructor's job. Classes like yoga, BOOM and Zumba all are designed to improve strength and cardiovascular health while engaging participants' minds with instructions and coordinated movements.
Working with an instructor and classmates, your brain is treated to social interaction, changing paces, different physical poses and new exercises that keep things interesting.


If you prefer to exercise on your own, try pairing stationary cycling or a treadmill workout with a podcast.
Podcasts are pre-recorded audio shows you can download on portable devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Whether you're interested in sports, history, music, movies, trivia or news, there's a podcast for you.
You'll be amazed how quickly a 30-minute walk passes when you're being entertained and informed by your favorite podcast. To find podcasts, use an online service such as iTunes or SoundCloud.


The changing landscapes of hikes are a natural way to keep your mind busy. Wildlife and plant life provide an interesting backdrop for your eyes, and adjusting to terrain keeps your muscles guessing and your brain focused on balance.
To make things more interesting, incorporate a camera for snapping photos on your hikes. Or bring binoculars along for bird-watching. Linking the names and characteristics of the world around you is a terrific way to busy your mind while you're working your body.


Are you competitive person? Do you enjoy teamwork? Playing a sport could be the perfect fit for you. Sports like softball, pickleball and golf improve your muscle tone, endurance and motor skills while also engaging your mind in strategy, calculation and positioning.
If you've played a sport before and enjoyed it, why not start again in an adult league or organize friends to play?
Or, if you're looking to try a sport you haven't played, ask friends who may have played. Some key factors to consider when choosing a sport include:
  • What sort of experience, skills, or fitness are needed to start?
  • Do you need to purchase any special equipment?
  • Where is the sport played? Can you play locally?
  • What time are practices or games scheduled? Are there evening or weekend options that work with your schedule?
  • Are there fees associated with participation in teams or leagues?
  • What is the best way for a beginner to get involved?
No matter which multitasking workouts you choose, the key is to have fun. If you're feeling bored, it might be time to change up your fitness routine. Remember that fitness is a lifelong journey. What interested you before might not interest you now, and your tastes forever will evolve.

Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health, https://www.healthwaysfit.com/

Monday, July 20, 2015

The wonders of WATERMELON: more than just delicious and refreshing...

The question is, why is there so much craze for the watermelon? At first glance, it may seem like nothing more than a big ball of water.  We all know that there is nothing more refreshing than a big, chilled wedge of watermelon on a hot, summer day and it does sport a stylish scientific name of Citrullus Lanatus, but what’s the real reason so many people flock to grocery stores every summer to buy a big, awkward fruit like this one? Well, it is hard to narrow it down to a single reason; there are actually a lot of them.
Watermelon is now the most-consumed melon in the US (followed by cantaloupe and honeydew). This cousin to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash is thought to have originated in Egypt close to 5,000 years ago, where it is depicted in hieroglyphics. 
As for accessing the total medicinal benefits of watermelons, it is highly dependent on the variety of watermelon and the ripeness. Beta carotene and lycopene is usually bio-available in the highest quantities once the watermelon is completely ripe, and don’t be afraid to eat some of the watermelon rind; there are quite a few nutrients in there as well, particularly the roughage and fiber.

6 Watermelon Facts That Might Surprise You

1. Watermelon Has More Lycopene Than Raw Tomatoes
Lycopene is a powerful carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables a pink or red color. It's most often associated with tomatoes, but watermelon is actually a more concentrated source. Compared to a large fresh tomato, one cup of watermelon has 1.5 times the lycopene (6 milligrams (mg) in watermelon compared to 4 mg in a tomato).
2. Watermelon Juice May Relieve Muscle Soreness
If you have a juicer, try juicing about one-third of a fresh watermelon and drinking its juice prior to your next workout. This contains a little over one gram of l-citrulline, an amino acid that seems to protect against muscle pain.
One study found that men who drank natural unpasteurized watermelon juice prior to their workouts had reduced muscle soreness 24 hours later compared to those who drank a placebo. You do need to be careful with drinking watermelon juice, though, as it contains a significant amount of fructose. It may be better to eat the entire fruit, or opt for these other tips to prevent muscle soreness.
3. Watermelon Is a Fruit and a Vegetable
Remember how watermelon is related to cucumbers, pumpkin, and squash? That's because it's part vegetable and part fruit (it's a sweet, seed-producing plant, after all). The other clue that watermelon is both fruit and vegetable? The rind is entirely edible…
4. You Can Eat Watermelon Rind and Seeds
Most people throw away the watermelon rind, but try putting it in a blender with some lime for a healthy, refreshing treat. Not only does the rind contain plenty of health-promoting and blood-building chlorophyll, but the rind actually contains more of the amino acid citrulline than the pink flesh. 
Citrulline is converted to arginine in your kidneys, and not only is this amino acid important for heart health and maintaining your immune system, but it has been researched to have potential therapeutic value in over 100 health conditions.
While many people prefer seedless watermelon varieties, black watermelon seeds are edible and actually quite healthy. They contain iron, zinc, protein, and fiber. (In case you were wondering, seedless watermelons aren't genetically modified, as they're the result of hybridization.)
5. It's Mostly Water
This might not be surprising, but it's still a fun fact; watermelon is more than 91 percent water. This means that eating watermelon with you on a hot summer day is a tasty way to help you stay hydrated and avoid dehydration (it's not a substitute for drinking plenty of fresh water, however).
6. Some Watermelon Are Yellow
The Yellow Crimson watermelon has yellow flesh with a sweeter, honey flavor than the more popular pink-fleshed Crimson Sweet. It's likely that yellow watermelon offers its own unique set of nutritional benefits, but most research to date has focused on the pink-fleshed varieties.

Health Benefits of Watermelons

Kidney Disorders: Watermelons contain a lot of potassium, which is very helpful in cleaning or washing out the toxic depositions in the kidneys. Moreover, it is helpful in reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of kidney damage and the formation of renal calculi in that organ. Added to this, being high in water content, it induces frequent urinating, which is again helpful for cleaning of the kidneys. Also, the anti oxidants present in watermelon ensure good health of the kidneys for a long time, and reduce signs of premature aging like wrinkles and age spots on the skin.
Prevents Heat Stroke: Watermelon is effective in reducing both your body temperature and blood pressure. Many people in tropical regions eat this fruit every day in the afternoon during the summer to protect themselves from heat stroke. In India, you will find the fruit being sold by vendors in almost every street during the summer season. The high amount of water contained in watermelon also stimulates a release of excess liquid in the form of sweat, which cools your body further during hot summer days.
High Blood Pressure: The good amount of potassium and magnesium that is present in watermelons is very beneficial in terms of bringing down blood pressure. Potassium is considered a vasodilator, meaning that it releases the tension of blood vessels and arteries, thereby stimulating increased blood flow and reducing the stress on the cardiovascular system. The carotenoids present in these fruits also prevent hardening of artery walls and veins, thereby helping to reduce blood pressure and the chances of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis. 
Prevents Cancer: Watermelons have been in the public eye more and more in recent years, primarily because of their impressive level of lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient compound that is increasingly being linked to cancer prevention. As the years go by and the studies continue to bring in consistent results, lycopene has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of prostate, breast, colon, lung, and endometrial cancer. All in all, between the antioxidant potential of vitamin C and the impact of lycopene, watermelon is a great anti-cancer fruit!
Diabetes: Diabetic patients, who are supposed to have a low energy and low sugar diet, often complain about starving since they don’t get to eat their staple diets, which gives them the feeling of being half fed. Watermelons can be a good supplement for them. In spite of being sweet in taste, a thick wedge will give you very few calories, since ninety nine percent of its total weight is composed of water and roughage. Moreover, the various vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium help in proper functioning of insulin in the body, thus lowering the blood sugar level. Arginine, another component found in watermelons, is very effective at enhancing the impact of insulin on blood sugar. Diabetic patients can also have curries, steaks, and salads made from water melon rinds, which are even lower in sugar.
Heart Care: Lypocene, a carotenoid found in abundance in watermelon, improves cardiac functions. Beta carotene, known for its remarkable antioxidant and anti-aging properties, also keeps you young at heart and prevents age-related cardiac problems. The roughage in water melon and its very low energy, along with help from vitamin-C, carotenoids and potassium (potassium cuts the risk of a heart attack), helps to reduce cholesterol and keep your heart safe from a variety of dangerous conditions.
Macular Degeneration: Don’t worry about eye health and macular degeneration if you eat plenty of watermelon, because between the beta carotene, vitamin-C, lutein, and zeaxanthin, your eyes are well protected. They will ensure protection of your eyes from age-related blindness and degeneration, and these antioxidants will protect your eyes from other age-related ailments such as drying up of eyes and optical nerves, as well as glaucoma.
Impotence: Arginine, present in watermelon, is beneficial in curing erectile dysfunction, and the stimulating nature of the chemical can boost libido, reduce frigidity and give a kick start to your love life, after you enjoy a few slices of watermelon together!
Other Benefits: Lypocene is found to be effective in repairing damaged tissues. Watermelon seeds are rich in beneficial fats and proteins. Watermelons also contain phytonutrients which have very good effects on the health and proper functioning of internal organs, eyes, and the secretion system.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Commercial fruit juice and smoothies can be a risk to health

We may think that we are giving health a good turn by opting for fruit juice or a smoothie instead of soda pop, but health advocates warn that this in not a sound choice. Linked with obesity and type 2 diabetes, these drinks are often a disease promoting agent in disguise. Masquerading behind a facade of wholesomeness, fruit juice and smoothies contain high levels of harmful fructose and synthetic additives. In response, nutrition experts warn that if we want to avoid health issues in the future, these beverages should be given a wide berth.

The risks of ‘healthy’ beverages
A significant player in the soaring rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes, sugar of all kinds (especially fructose) is a health disaster. Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, states that “smoothies and fruit juice are the new danger,” in an interview with The Guardian.
In 2004 Barry Popkin and George Bray pointed the finger at high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks, causing a huge headache for the big manufacturers, including Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The two scientists had identified sugar-sweetened soft drinks, full of calories and consumed between meals, as a major cause of soaring obesity in developed countries. But they argue that as people change their drinking habits to avoid carbonated soft drinks, the potential damage from naturally occurring fructose in fruit juices and smoothies is being overlooked.

“Smoothies and fruit juice are the new danger,” said Popkin. He added: “It’s kind of the next step in the evolution of the battle. And it’s a really big part of it because in every country they’ve been replacing soft drinks with fruit juice and smoothies as the new healthy beverage. So you will find that Coke and Pepsi have bought dozens [of fruit juice companies] around the globe.”
Coca-Cola owns Minute Maid juices in the USA and Innocent smoothies in Europe while PepsiCo has Naked juices in the USA and Tropicana in Europe.

Drink vegetable juice, Popkin advices, but not fruit juice. "Think of eating one orange or two and getting filled," he said. "Now think of drinking a smoothie with six oranges and two hours later it does not affect how much you eat. The entire literature shows that we feel full from drinking beverages like smoothies but it does not affect our overall food intake, whereas eating an orange does. So pulped-up smoothies do nothing good for us but do give us the same amount of sugar as four to six oranges or a large coke. It is deceiving."
All sugars are equal in their bad effects, says Popkin – even those described on cereal snack bars sold in health food shops as containing “completely natural” sweeteners. “The most important issue about added sugar is that everybody thinks it’s cane sugar or maybe beet sugar or HFC syrup or all the other syrups but globally the cheapest thing on the market almost is fruit juice concentrate coming out of China. It has created an overwhelming supply of apple juice concentrate. It is being used everywhere and it also gets around the sugar quotas that lots of countries have.”
In a survey of sweeteners in US food products between 2005 and 2009 for a paper published in 2012, Popkin and colleagues found that fruit juice concentrate was the fifth most common sugar overall and the second most common, after corn syrup, in soft drinks and in babies’ formula milk.

“All the long term studies on fruit juice in anything show the same kind of effect whether it’s a smoothie or natural [juice] and whether it’s a diabetes or weight gain effect,” Popkin added.
Further evidence supporting the theory came last week from a study published by the British Medical Association.
Researchers from the UK, USA and Singapore found that, in large-scale studies involving nurses, people who ate whole fruit, especially blueberries, grapes and apples, were less likely to get type 2 diabetes, which is obesity-related, but those who drank fruit juice were at increased risk. People who swapped their fruit juice for whole fruits three times a week cut their risk by 7%.

Fructose is particularly troublesome, as it bypasses the body’s satiating signals, which encourages overconsumption and subsequent weight gain along with insulin resistance. It also increases uric acid levels, which promotes metabolic syndromes like hypertriglyceridemia. Fruit juices and smoothies contain concentrated forms of fructose, giving rise to a vicious cycle of blood sugar imbalances.

As observed by Popkin, when all is said and done, we would be better off consuming vegetable juice or whole fruit.