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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Critical thinking

Long time ago I stopped "dreaming" and I started to ask myself few questions:
- how big is the "diet business", how many millions dollars are at stake in the market of weight loss supplements ( http://www.worldometers.info/weight-loss/ )?
- is it smart believing we can go against nature? Our body feeds in order to stay alive and stores superfluous calories to use them in case of need. All promises of getting slim without changing our daily calories intake and/or our lifestyle (helping our body to burn calories) are false. Sad but true. It hurts, but it's TRUE!
Is it so hard losing weight without losing health?
Well, in my experience I can say one has to be highly motivated, strongly willing to achive the goal, perseverant. At the very end, one must really love himself and life.
So should any joy and delight be banished? Absolutely NO!!!!
Here come tips and tricks to avoid what I call the "diet of the astronaut" (replace a meal with a pill). I like to see my plate full of food, I like feeling satisfied after a meal, not even more hungry :)
That's what I found it works... (read next post)